Last month Mark and I saw Jim Gaffigan do a live show. We laughed non-stop for an hour and a half. I literally had a headache from laughing so hard.
I wasn’t surprised to have such a good time, although I realized after the show was over that I’m pretty sure I haven’t laughed that hard for that long in . . . ever. Clearly I need more funny in my life!
I was surprised, however, to just how much I loved one of his segments. Not just because it was funny or smart or true (or all of the above), but because it was so well-written and such a great message. Like I told Mark, “I wish I had written that.”
The segment was about Gaffigan’s love of McDonald’s. He started by saying he loves telling people for the first time that he eats at McDonald’s . . . and then seeing the look of disgust and judgment on their face. The unspoken exchange, he said, goes like this: “Oh, you’re one of those people who eats at McDonald’s.” “Oh, you’re one of those people who judge people who eat at McDonald’s.” He riffed for quite a while about how horrible (and tasty) McDonald’s is, but then he got to the main point.
He said that you may not eat at McDonald’s, but you have something. Your McDonald’s might be trashy romance novels or too much wine or Toddlers & Tiaras or tacos made out of Doritos. We all have something. And it’s all McDonald’s.
I’m not doing his bit justice, because it was both pointed and HILARIOUS. But even as I roared (and there may have even been a few embarrassing moments of laughter so out of control that I literally couldn’t breathe . . . just maybe), I couldn’t help wanting to shout, “Amen!”
Of course, it wasn’t that kind of show and telling Jim Gaffigan to “preach it, brother” might have been a little weird. But I totally said it . . . in my head.
Because he’s right. We all have something.
- I can judge you for watching reality TV or you can judge me for watching NCIS, but the fact is, we both watch too much TV.
- I can judge you for confusing “your” and “you’re” and you can judge me for owning three copies of the AP Style Guide.
- I can judge you for yelling at your kids in the grocery store, but the fact is, I’m not so proud of the bedtime scene at my house last night.
- I can judge you for that pack of cigarettes I saw in your purse and you can judge me for the empty bag of chocolate chips on my counter. An addiction is an addiction. We all have something. It’s all McDonald’s.
So, what’s your McDonald’s? Do you eat fast food? Use People.com as your homepage? DVR every episode of Reality Housewives of Anywhere? Buy a lottery ticket every morning on your way to work?
If I’m honest, I have to face the fact that I’ve got a lot of McDonald’s. I eat junk more than I want to admit. Sometimes it’s of the fast food variety, sometimes it’s the whatever-I-can-find-in-the-house type. I watch a lot of great shows but certainly some that others wouldn’t approve of. (I don’t care if you mock my NCIS love, though. It could not be the #1 show on TV or CBS or whatever if only women over 60 were watching it. So shut up.) And I do read an amazing amount of YA, chick lit and Christian fiction, including many cheese-tastic novels that won’t make it into any “hey, you should read this” blog post. Oh, and that pop music I love (like any good 14-year-old girl)? Yeah, pretty sure that is someone else’s definition of “McDonald’s.”
Maybe it’s time we stop looking down our noses at our friends and neighbors and family members for having their things. We’ve all got junk. And yeah, we need to get rid of it. That is a whole other topic, though. Today I’m talking about taking a break from judgment and remembering that even if our neighbor screams at her small people like they’re dogs, keeps her incarcerated boyfriend’s car on blocks in the front yard, and shares her loud, rated-R music with the entire neighborhood on a regular basis, we’ve got our junk, too.
[Yes. That neighbor is real, and I’m working on not being a Judging Judy about her. I’ve got my own McDonald’s. And sometimes my McDonald’s actually IS McDonald’s.]
What’s YOUR McDonald’s?
And now, watch for yourself. Here’s Jim Gaffigan on McDonalds:
What great insight! My McDonalds’s is desserts:) And a myriad of other things including “Bethenny Ever After” There, I said it;)
Ohhhh, I love that you said it. :)
I love this, Mary. (And I hate when you write a post so good I have nothing insightful to comment about!)
And the bacon video made me happy. Bacon bits are the fairy dust of the food world. Ha!
“Fairy dust of the food world.” LOVE IT!!
So, let me get this straight – you hate that you love this post? :)
Love, love, LOVE NCIS. I know that’s not what this post is about, but I do. And I don’t care who knows it. :)
Oh, and there’s this. McDonald’s makes the best caramel frappe. I’d choose them over Starbucks even if they weren’t 45 minutes closer to me.
I’ve heard lots of people say McD’s has good coffee. I don’t actually drink coffee (because I’m weird), so I don’t know. Now, ask me about their chocolate chip cookies or breakfast burritos, and that’s a different story!
I really like your post! Taco Bell and “Real” Housewives of Everywhere (not just 1) are certainly my vices! I’ll admit it though. I figure if I’m not watching Masterpiece Theatre, I can’t imagine I’m widening my horizons.
Oh, thank you for admitting to Taco Bell. I went there the other day and a certain friend who shall not be named totally judged me! (In a ha-ha-loving sort of way, of course…) ;)
My favorite line “Sometimes my McDonald’s actually IS McDonald’s” Girl, you have hit your stride. So good.
And now I want some bacon!
Lots of truth here! Thanks
Great post and I agree! My “McDonald’s” is NCIS and the news. I’m a complete news junkie. I love it all! lol
I got to see Jim Gaffigan live several years ago and I laughed just as hard as you did! He is soooo funny!
NCIS and the news – what a combo! :)
I have to echo the desserts. We have a great custard place that is only open in the warmer months and I want to go get some all the time. I’ve had restraint, but I think about food ALL the time. Other things – facebook, pinterest, books, TV. Umm…. I’m addicted to A LOT! It’s so easy for me to get addicted that I just know if I allowed drugs/alcohol/other things like that into my life that I’d be addicted to those too.
I’ve thought that, too, Nicole. If I let myself get a real taste of those “other things,” I’d be in trouble, too!
Great post! So glad you got a good belly laugh. There are few things that can top that feeling. I always feel so good after I’ve laughed that hard. It’s like a detox of negativity. And about the bacon….it’s a dear friend of mine. I recently gave my arteries a break and switched to turkey bacon. I never in a million years thought that I would like such a thing, but it’s actually delicious and less expensive! Power to the pigs! Eat more turkey! ;)
Haha, power to the pigs! I can’t get on board with turkey bacon, though. I just….can’t!
I saw Gaffigan a couple of years ago and I’m pretty sure I never stopped laughing. Sometimes he’s simply funny but then there are bits like this with such interesting social commentary layered on to the humor.
Yes. Smart + funny is ALWAYS a home run to me!
Love this post. You hit the nail on the head! My McDonald’s are very similar to yours – I love fast-food, junk food, NCIS, YA & Christian novels and (I’ll admit!) Justin Bieber. I think if we ever get the chance to do lunch, we wont run out of things to talk about.
Justin Bieber?!? Awesome. (I’m not mocking. Honest. Our local radio station is playing his new song. And, um, I kind of like it. Shhh! Don’t tell!)
Hehe, I hope I remember to watch this later, it sounds very entertaining! McDonald’s used to be my McDonald’s, but I’ve definitely got plenty others. I think sometimes I might not even notice them until someone points them out, but I can at least think of blogging/facebooking/wasting time online and my online shopping problem. My house is a little bit messy too, so please let me know first before you come over. :) Oh, and there’s also Harry Potter, Ron Paul, TV online….
Wasting time online is a bad thing? ;)
GREAT POST! Mine would actually be Macdonalds if they nearest one wasn’t 4 hours away. i watch more tv than i care to admit and my house is never completely clean except for the second after i’ve done all my saturday cleaning. yet, i’ve judged the mom smoking outside the hospital, the mom who’s kids get to be on the iphone all the time, etc. we all have our vices, this is true.
A completely clean house? What’s that, anyway? :)
Awesome, AWESOME post, Mary!! “Sometimes my McDonald’s actually IS McDonald’s.” Excellent!
My McDonald’s is currently any sweets: ice ceam, cookies, leftover Easter candy (YES!). Also the fact that my house is always covered in toys and never vacuumed and I don’t give a rat’s butt. And that I spend way too much time trying to find ways to have a good hair day and being disappointed it’s not (EVERY DAY). And thinking way too much about my appearance.
You’re right, and you rock! We all serve something.
Thanks, Erin – and YES, it is all about who we’re serving.
This segment is on Jim’s new comedy special, which he is selling for $5 on his website, and there is a LOT of great stuff on it:
Make buying Jim’s special your McDonald’s today… err… wait…
Mary, this is amazing . . . and so profound and true. Lots to think about here. Lots.
If I have to admit it, sugar is my McDonald’s. I wake up every morning thinking I’m going to avoid it and before I know it I’ve put chocolate covered caramels on my English muffin and ice cream in my coffee. Ugh.
Ohhhhh, yeah, that’s probably a good sign that your thing is a “McDonald’s” – waking up thinking about how you’re going to avoid it. I do that with more things than I’d like to admit!
Appreciate this post so much – we all have our own junk, for sure! No judging here, sometimes my McDonald’s is actual McDonald’s too! Or bacon… or Chinese food… or watching too much TV… or listening to pop music, etc. But really my main thing is I just drink way too much soda.
*sigh* Sooooo many things to work on! Praise God he’s not through with me yet!!
Amen and amen! I’m so thankful His work in me is not finished!!
Great post, Mary!
Thank you, Brittany!
Fantastic! Now I’m hungry for a fast food breakfast. ;)
Your writing is great! Just found your blog and I WILL be back!! (muah ha ha ha)
Thanks, Rachel! (And I won’t hide it – I LOVE fast food breakfast!)
I must confess I love McDonald’s Vanilla Iced Coffee. Yes, we do all have our own McDonald’s. We all need to stop hiding behind the mask of condemnation, myself included. I’ve got some junk in my trunk, most definitely, and this week I’ve spent way too many hours obsessing about it, condemning myself, asking God why he made me this way, etc. etc. So, thanks for this post.
I love how you put that – “the mask of condemnation.” So true.
His show was HILARIOUS!! I was non-stop laughing the whole hour and a half. Great post! :) I think mine would be eating in bed! And definitely wasting time online.. I’ve been trying to find ways to “disconnect” lately.
Precious! Giggled at Truth here tucked away in all the funny. Thank you for this. Just thank you.
Just found your blog via “Chatting at the Sky”. Really enjoyed your writing and insightful thoughts. I haven’t looked around much yet, but can tell at a glance that this is a blog that i will enjoy following. :-)
Great post. Alas, being fairly vice-less is one of those hidden vices, aka the “McDonalds” of pride and perfection.
Thanks for sharing! Wonderful message about not judging and loved the Bacon video too.
Just found your blog via Chatting at the Sky via Bye Bye Pie via The Nester. Love it. Also really love how you respond to alot of your commentors. My McDonald’s is televison, I simply watch too much tv at night. Looking forward to more posts, I will be back.
Haha, I love how you traced your internet path to my blog. :) I love trying to remember how I found someone, too! As for TV and McDonald’s, oh, ME TOO.
Mary, I read this post when you originally posted it, enjoyed it immensely, but never commented. BUT then this past weekend I was visiting a friend and she showed me Jim Gaffigan’s Mr. Universe comedy special. As he got to the McDonald’s spiel, I practically jumped from my seat: THIS is what she was talking about!
Loved the Jim Gaffigan stand-up. Loved this post. Just wanted to drop you a line, and sorry that it’s so after the fact!