Old TV

I don’t really know what that means, but I like saying it. I crack myself up every time I do. Anyway.

I’ve got big news to share. Big. News! Are you ready? Drum roll . . . and now you should probably lower your expectations . . . more drumming . . .

I finally got a DVR.

Yeah. I totally did. Finally! Do you realize that if you search “VCR” on my blog, you’ll get four pages of results? FOUR. PAGES. Heh. I really have loved that thing.

When Mark unhooked our old TV and hooked up the new one, he didn’t even flinch when he pushed the VCR aside. He took it out to the garage like it was no big deal. NO BIG DEAL?!

Now, look. I am super excited about the DVR. As soon as the cable guys left yesterday (after a five-hour stay at my house, during which they used my bathroom and asked me for a drink – IS THIS NORMAL?), I set that puppy up to record all my favorite shows. And Doc McStuffins and Veggie Tales.

But then I thought to myself, after a devastating weigh-in post-Thanksgiving, “I need to work out. I think I’ll do my Tae-Bo tape . . . my Tae-Bo TAPE . . . my OH NO!”

I may have gotten a little misty at that moment.

I also really wanted to cry when I realized that after decorating the top of my entertainment center for 10 years or more, I no longer have a place to put my picture frames and candles and nativity scenes.

Don’t worry. I moved those pretty things to a bookcase and got over it.

But then I realized that despite the TWO HUNDRED channels we now have (My husband, upon realizing we have the Speed channel, about cars: “Oh, I’m so excited about this one.”), we no longer have the Hallmark Channel. And during the holiday TV movie season! The humanity!

Clearly I’ve been experiencing some DVR-induced emotional whiplash. (This should come as no surprise, if you recall my haircut choices after the major life changes of getting new glasses and a new-to-me car.

So there you have it. I have a DVR now, and it is awesome. It doesn’t play my Tae-Bo tape. But it can find and record every episode of Friends out there. I think I’ll take it.

What shows do you DVR?


What should you watch next?


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