When All You Want is ALL THE THINGS! | via givinguponperfect.com

I was talking to a friend yesterday about the wonders of motherhood. Not really complaining but yes, maybe we were discussing some of the challenges as well as the joys. Such as never having large blocks of time to ourselves.

Since Mark started working evenings (and then nights) and Annalyn went to preschool, I’ve had lots of alone time. Too much, I would have said back then. Even for a half introvert (seriously. I’m 50/50 on every single personality test I take.) being alone too much gets to be, well, too much. But what I didn’t realize at the time is that while it could get lonely, this life of days and evenings to myself allowed me a whole lot of freedom to do All The Things.

I don’t mean that I did everything. (See this post for a reminder of all the things I don’t do!) But when I wanted to binge watch a TV show or mainline an entire series of books, I COULD.

I’m not saying doing ALL THE THINGS in any department is a good idea or a healthy practice. It’s obviously not conducive to being uber successful and productive (unless your secret goal is to the best darned procrastinator on earth and then, well, go for it. though I may give you a run for your money.).

But man, is it fun.

{Also. Educational side note, because NEVER STOP LEARNING. Binge watching TV shows is so popular these days that actual studies are being done about it. It turns out – brace yourselves for these shockers – people enjoy binge watching. I KNOW!! “Despite our hectic, digitally driven lifestyles and 140-character social interactions … we’re actually craving the long narratives that today’s good television can provide. Instead of dealing with the day’s stresses by zoning out, we’d rather become engrossed in an entirely different (and fictional) world.”

So there’s that. (From here.)}


For weeks now I’ve been dying to blow through seasons two and three of Veronica Mars. After all, I can’t very well go see the movie without a rewatch of the TV show, can I? (No. Duh. Of course not. Don’t you remind me of how many times I’ve already watched the series. Obviously you don’t understand the depth of my Veronica Mars love!)

But despite being pinned to the couch for hours a day as I feed Adrienne, I haven’t been able to find enough blocks of time to accomplish this goal. I returned both seasons to the library over the weekend – a full week after watching the movie and without ever opening the cases to watch my beloved show.

So for now, at least, I’m faced with a life without All The Things. I can’t pin All The Things, I can’t buy All The Things, I can’t read or watch or even listen to All The Things. And while I can occasionally eat All The Things, I’m really trying not to (if you don’t count the cookie dough I bought yesterday or the no-bakes I made last week or…).

I’m learning to make do with a different version of All The Things, though. Just like I pretend shop at Target every once in a while (you know, walk through the store and put everything I want in my cart . . . then walk back through the store and put it all back because who can afford All The Cute Plates And Shirts And Pencil Holders And Baby Tights?), I trick myself.

I put All The Books on my to-read list . . . even if it will be months before I can actually read them.

I set my DVR for All The Shows . . . even if I know full and well I won’t get around to watching them before American Idol results shows demand to take over that space.

I make lists of blog post ideas and recipes to try and festivals to attend . . . someday. And then? I’m okay with that.

I’d tell you that I eat grapes and baby carrots by the handful instead of swallowing an entire pan of Rice Krispy treats. But, really. Who’s gonna believe THAT?!?

Not having chunks of time to write chapters and take naps and read books and watch shows and DO MY TAXES is driving me a bit crazy. Thankfully, my fake All The Things Doing is getting me through.

Much as many of us enjoy binge watching, pinning, reading, etc., it isn’t always feasible (or wise, okay? I KNOW THAT.). So – how do you cope when you can’t Do All The Things – or anything that requires chunks of time?

{Photo by jvoves}

What should you watch next?


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