
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

We’ve all heard that phrase, right? I actually Googled it to figure out where this optimistic saying came from. Would you believe its beginnings involved a Christian anarchist, a dwarf and an obituary? I’m serious. (Would Wikipedia lie to us??) In less colorful history notes the phrase is also often accredited to Dale Carnegie.

Regardless of where the phrase came from, here’s what it means to me: Sometimes life can be hard. But rather than dwell in the negativity of those difficult circumstances, it’s better, healthier, smarter to focus on anything positive.

The lemon thing is catchier, eh?

Mark and I have an inside joke about this kind of thing. I think it originated from a sitcom, but I’m not sure. (And if it’s the lame sitcom I think it might be, I’m not about to admit it!) Anyway, whenever one of us starts thinking negatively about a situation, choosing pessimism instead of hope, the other one will say, “The good news is that I found the cure for cancer…”

We both know – even the one who’s been spending too much time looking on the dark side – the punch line: “Well, the bad news is that it’s too late for Uncle Bob.” Because some people, sometimes, can find something negative about everything. Even the cure for cancer.

I know, I know, cancer’s not funny. But it resonates with us because calling our glasses half empty comes much too naturally for us at times. (Possibly more for one of us than the other, but I’m not here to point fingers. Or half-full glasses.)

So because choosing hope, joy and the lemonade of life isn’t always my first instinct – and because I’m currently working on a project specifically focused on finding joy in the everyday and the challenges life presents – I’m dedicating the next 31 days to Making Lemonade.

Here’s what that will look like:

– Stories from my life about making the best of a challenging situation
– Everyday reflections on the good parts of a crummy day
– Recipes featuring lemons
– Scripture that makes my positive outlook possible
– Funny or inspiring quotes or pinnables involving lemons both literal and figurative
– Guest posts from writers sharing their own lemonade stories

I’ll start today with an example of those everyday reflections . . .

The bad news?
I haven’t published a blog post in 11 days and just announced a 31-day series.

The good news?
Eleven days off means you’re not tired of me, and I’m not tired of writing! Three cheers for fresh starts!

Will you join me on this sweet journey through the next 31 days? (You can also find hundreds of other 31 Day series at The Nester’s 31 Days site.)

Day 1 – You are here.
Day 2 – Making Lemonade Out of My House
Day 3 – Turning Lemons into a Pink Lemonade Cake
Day 4 – Ain’t No Party Like a Liz Lemon Party…
Day 5 – Overflowing with Hope
Day 6 – Monday, Monday, Can’t Trust That Day
Day 7 –
Day 8 – It’s a Birthday! Let’s Make Lemonade!
Day 9 – Seasons, Phases & Orange Lemonade
Day 10 – Drink Up! Sparkling Pineapple Lemonade
Day 11 – When Life Gives You Lemons…
Day 12 – Rejoice!
Day 13 – On Getting More Sleep – and More Lemonade
Day 14 – Planning Parties with Kids {and Lemons}
Day 15 – Two Decades Means a Lot of Lemonade
Day 16 – Finding Peace in the Process
Day 17 – Lemon + Chicken = Dinner Dinner
Day 18 –
Day 19 –
Day 20 – 31 Days-ish…
Day 21 – Nothing Like It In the World
Day 22 –
Day 23 –
Day 24 – What If Life Gives You…Chocolate…
Day 25 – 21 Ways to Use Lemons
Day 26 – Praying with Joy
Day 27 –
Day 28 – Silver Linings on a Tuesday
Day 29 –
Day 30 –
Day 31 – Coming to an End

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