When I asked my friends for questions to answer on the first-ever ASK THE COUCH episode of The Couch podcast, Kaitlyn asked what books I’m looking forward to reading this fall.

[Side note: It was the perfect question from her, because Kaitlyn actually puts together lists of books coming out each season. You can see her list for this fall here.]

I shared with you a couple months ago that I read a lot (A LOT) of books this summer. But I also checked out and bought more books than I could possibly read. And the guilt of it all is just weighing on me! It’s like at Thanksgiving, when your aunt looks at your plate and says your eyes must have been bigger than your stomach, but you’re really thinking, “I was totally going to eat all this but now I feel like a pig, thank you very much.” That’s what I have going on with books. Still.

Sitting next to me right this very minute is a stack of library books — eight in total, two several weeks overdue. I also have a bunch of books on my bookshelf, in my bedroom, and on my Kindle. All waiting to be read. Prompted by Kaitlyn’s question, though, I’ve decided to just accept defeat and come up with a better plan. I’m returning the overdue books, committing to the others I’ve checked out, and finally getting around to some books I’ve been wanting to read for a while.

Here are 14 books I’m excited to read this fall (in no particular order):

The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan: I imagine this will be similar in tone and plot to his other series. Which isn’t a bad thing! The Percy Jackson books are my favorite YA series of all time, and my oldest daughter is now hooked on them as well. So she’s asked if we can read this together, and obviously I cannot resist that.

The Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard: I read the first book of this series earlier in the year and then, even though I really liked it, I forgot to read the rest of the series. There are three more books, and I want to read all three.

Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson: Somehow I’ve missed the Joshilyn Jackson train, but I want to remedy that this fall. Several of my reader friends have raved about her books, and I’m ready to see what the fuss is all about. And since I already own this one, I’m starting here.

Making a Play by Abbi Glines: Now that my daughter is in middle school in the small town where we live, I’m not sure how much longer I will be able to read YA novels about teens living in small towns, doing what kids in small towns do. But since I’m not quite there yet, I was happy to see another book in this Friday Night Lights-ish series.

Dear Haiti, Love Alaine by Maika and Martiza Moulite: This epistolary YA novel is about a Haitian American girl who gets sent to Haiti for a school project. I’ve already got it from the library, and it’s next on my list!

The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett: Treasure hunting, magic, a secret society, and romance? Yes, please, and thank you!

Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren: This has been the year of the romantic comedy novel, at least for me, and that’s included reading my first book by Christina Lauren. I really liked The Unhoneymooners and am looking forward to this new one!

Frankly in Love by David Yoon: Two Korean-American teens pretend to date to make their parents happy. I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing romantic and coming-of-age hijinks will ensue in the best way.

Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts by Kate Racculia: A city-wide treasure hunt with a ragtag group of characters? Written by a woman I’ve heard on the Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast? Yep, I’m all over it.

Recursion by Blake Crouch: I’ve heard some say this is the best book they’ve read all year. Those same people have said it’s even better than Dark Matter, which everyone said was amazing. And since I haven’t read either one yet (but they’re both about interesting sci-fi-ish things I’m pretty sure I’ll like a lot), I’m finally going to read them both.

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer: Okay, technically, this won’t come out until the winter. But it’s my list and odds are, it will take me that long to read the rest of these. So it stays! (This is a sequel to the Beauty and the Beast retelling I loved earlier this summer.)

What are you excited to read this fall?

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