The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters

Is anything good playing? Yes! Well, probably. Just…listen…

Today my friend Dawn and I are talking about upcoming we’re excited about. Prepare yourself to roll your eyes as we swear up and down that we’re underwhelmed by this season’s movies and then proceed to tell you about almost 20 movies that we just HAVE to see.

This time around we break it down into three categories: date night movies, girls night movies, and family movies. And we even take a quick look back at the movies we predicted would be our favorites last time around (and, once again, I still haven’t seen some of the biggest ones. Shocker.).

I’d love to hear what movies YOU’RE looking forward to this spring, so shoot me an email at, or find me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know! Now, let’s go to the movies!




EPISODE SPONSOR: Women of Courage, a 40-Day Devotional by yours truly (Less than $11 at Amazon, yo!)

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What should you watch next?


Every month, we are bombarded with new TV series and movies—and it can be overwhelming to figure out what to watch! (I know, I know, what a problem to have!) I'm here to help. My monthly Watch Guides list out all the returning series, new series, and new movies, along with premiere dates and where to watch them. Plus, I tell you my personal picks for the month to help you narrow it all down.

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Mary Carver
The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters
Mary Carver
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