Rules schmules.

Rules schmules.

I’m a rule follower. As a child, I only ever got in trouble at school for talking too much (go figure.) – unless you count that one Saturday school my sophomore year for too many tardies (again. go figure.). I’ve been known to make the extremely...

It’s a Girl!

My brain is not fully functioning these days, and I’m actually stuck in the hospital for an extra day. Apparently post-partum pre-eclampsia is a thing – and I’ve got it. So extra meds and monitoring for me, while our baby girl keeps on being the...
The Last Time I Had a Baby…

The Last Time I Had a Baby…

If all goes as planned (I KNOW. But it might, okay?), I’ll deliver my second baby girl this morning. As I planned and prepared over the past month, my emotions swung from one extreme to another, fueled by memories and fears and anticipation and nerves. And, you...

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