by Mary Carver | Apr 24, 2019 | Books, Movies & TV, Reader Favorites
This post was originally published in 2017, but it’s still relevant today. Because I still cannot handle This is Us, and my renewed love for sitcoms is still going strong. You’d think I would be happy to see any topic, any single thing that is not...
by Mary Carver | Nov 2, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect, Reader Favorites
Get your copy of Fast Talk & Faith here! It started with a conversation on Instagram, a friendly little debate over which of Rory’s boyfriends was the best. Or, if I’m using hindsight and my grown-up brain, which was the least bad. Despite knowing better I remain...
by Mary Carver | Jan 8, 2016 | Books, Movies & TV, Home Life, Reader Favorites
I called a plumber yesterday. Our shower, kitchen sink and washing machine drain have been backing up. I actually woke up to a wet garage floor where the washing machine (yes, it’s in the garage) had overflowed during the night, presumably while the dishwasher...
by Mary Carver | Feb 21, 2012 | Giving Up on Perfect, Reader Favorites
I’m back! The flu is gone! And while my house may not be totally clean, I believe it is at least disinfected. (And the mountain of laundry sitting by my dryer is, in fact, all clean.) Whew! What a nasty bug that was. And add it to major freelance projects in...