ArchivesChildren’s Books to Read When Parents Travel
If you missed it on Monday, I am going to Kenya in a couple weeks. Kenya! Africa! (I can't help it; that's how I hear it in my head every single time I say it.) I'll be gone for 11 days and, I have to confess, I'm getting a little stressed out about all the big and...
The Gilmore Girls Guide to Surviving This Thanksgiving
The Gilmore Girls Guide to Surviving This Thanksgiving — The holidays might be rough this year, so get prepared with these handy tips and GIFs.
The Value of Failure
I'm in the market for some flashcards. For the first time since starting school, Annalyn is struggling a bit with math. I'm grateful her teacher is constantly communicating with us and let us know she needs to work on some math facts. With a little extra effort I'm...
Parenting and Putting Out Fires
I've been keeping a running list of funny, "real life" stories to share with you all. And as I read through it tonight, I couldn't help it. I just started laughing. Reading it all at once felt like one of those life-with-kids-goes-awry montages from a movie. You know,...
Packing & Traveling with Kids (WFMW)
It's not often that I find myself singing John Denver, but when flying to Colorado, I can't resist. "I'm leaving on a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again." Of course, I do know when I'll be back. Since Mark is picking up the girls and me at the airport, I've...
If I Could Sit Down with You Today… (WFMW)
You're not crazy. You're not alone. You're not failing. You can do this. You're exactly who they need. You are beautiful, smart, amazing. If I could sit down with you and tell you those things today, I would. (I'd offer you some chocolate chip cookies, too, OBVIOUSLY,...
Real Life Works for Me (WFMW)
Last week was spring break, so in the tradition of spring breaks everywhere I took Annalyn to the orthodontist and made her help me clean the house half a dozen times and took her on hours-long road trips to look at houses for sale. It was super awesome and fun. We...
3 Things to Remember When the Fog Begins to Lift
One of my responsibilities at my church is scheduling the middle school students who help out in the children's ministry each week. I do this a month at a time, creating a schedule and sending requests and reminders. I've found that's easier than remembering to do it...
WFMW: Just Do One {Special} Thing
After being sick for pretty much an entire week, I was anxious to get up Monday and get going. I am perpetually behind on everything, and now I was basically a week more behind than before. After dropping off the girls I came home and settled in at my desk (aka, a TV...
The Gift of Friendship {and a GIVEAWAY}
I think I met Dawn the weekend (in)courage was announced, at the She Speaks conference in 2009. But I'm not sure. And I don't remember which conference we first ended up as roommates. I just know that, somewhere along the way, Dawn became one of my most valued...
Reading to Your Kids & More Books About the Library
Several months ago I shared a list of 16 children's books about the library. It was a perfect storm of some of my very favorite things: lists, books, the library. But as I told you then, once I started searching for kids' books about the library, I couldn't believe...
Herding Cats and Toddlers (and Asking for Help)
After the Superbowl Mark and I debated the quality of the commercials. Since I had said at once point, "There's really way too much football going on between commercials," you can assume that I am much more interested in the winner of the year's biggest marketing...