

Two Decades Means a Lot of Lemonade

My friend Elizabeth came over to my house after school to curl my hair. My little brother ironed the vest came with my skirt set - the one my mom suffered through a tortuous shopping trip to find. Yes, I was pretty in plaid well before Britney told us to hit her one...

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If You Build It: GoldieBlox and Girls

If You Build It: GoldieBlox and Girls

This summer Annalyn started saying the worst thing. I'm not referring to her sass-mouth that just about puts me over the edge in approximately 3.7 seconds. No, I'm talking about this phrase: "I'm not good at this." She's said this about dozens of different tasks, and...

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When “Stubborn” is a Good Thing

When “Stubborn” is a Good Thing

A couple years ago Mark and I were eating lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Awkwardly, we were seated right behind my high school music teacher and his wife. (I say "awkwardly" because is there anything MORE awkward than being seated near someone you just...

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Friends (in) Real Life

Friends (in) Real Life

About 10 days ago, I hosted an (in)RL gathering at my church. It was part of a whirlwind weekend that included a whole lot more work than usual (tweeting on behalf of (in)courage until I was literally dizzy from switching from screen to screen!) and a rehearsal for...

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Leaps of Faith

Leaps of Faith

Few people understood the complicated feelings I had about having a baby after delivering a premature baby the first time around as well as my friend JessieLeigh, who also delivered a little girl more than 16 weeks early. Please welcome her as she shares a bit of what...

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Rules schmules.

Rules schmules.

I'm a rule follower. As a child, I only ever got in trouble at school for talking too much (go figure.) - unless you count that one Saturday school my sophomore year for too many tardies (again. go figure.). I've been known to make the extremely persuasive argument,...

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