I’m Not Sorry for Being So Emotional

I’m Not Sorry for Being So Emotional

It was Easter morning, the day of the resurrection. A day of celebration, a time to shout hallelujah and echo, “Christ is risen, indeed.” It was a day of pastels and smiles and eggs and ruffles. It was, supposedly, a happy day. But as I stood in church,...
True Sorrow vs. Worldly Sorrow

True Sorrow vs. Worldly Sorrow

I found this in Paul’s second letter to the church of Corinth: I am not sorry that I sent that severe letter to you, though I was sorry at first, for I know it was painful to you for a little while. Now I am glad I sent it, not because it hurt you, but because...
Why Flying Makes Me Apologize

Why Flying Makes Me Apologize

I love traveling. Seeing new places and experiencing new “worlds” is really one of my favorite things. If I owe anyone an apology about this, it’s myself because my Type A, planner personality almost never leaves me enough time to just stare at the...

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