31 Days :: I’m Not Sorry

31 Days :: I’m Not Sorry

Welcome to Giving Up on Perfect and my 31 Days series! If you’re new here for my 31 Days series, thanks for joining us! I’m going to spend the next month writing about all the ways and all the things I’m just not sorry for anymore. I think this is...

Cleaning out my fridge

Thanks to everyone who joined me for last night’s Facebook chat! If you missed it, don’t worry – we’ll meet up in the same place, at the same time next week. I was looking for an onion. I found one, but I also found a squishy tomato and an...

The conference is not the boss of you.

Yesterday in her session about writing what you’re living, Annie Downs reminded us: “It’s your internet!” and “They’re not the boss of you!” As I thought about how to be a perfect conference attender (or not), it occurred to...

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Mary Carver
I’m Not Sorry I Like to Watch TV
31 Days :: I’m Not Sorry
Mary Carver
Fast Talk & Faith
Choose Joy
Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion