Don’t I know you from somewhere?

Normally, I am really good with names and faces. But the brain is a funny thing. A few weeks ago I spoke at a women’s conference in St. Louis. A few minutes before my last session began, I noticed a woman walk in the room and sit in the front row. Immediately I...

The winds of change messed up my hair.

You know how they say to never change your hairstyle in the midst of emotional turmoil? Well, they should also tell you to never get a haircut four days before going to a conference. Or after enduring a few big changes in your life. Unless, you know, big changes...

Who do you think you’re fooling?

Scripture makes it so clear that being a perfectionist, placing faith in our own abilities or strength, is foolish. I love that! I’m thankful for the straightforward truth that reminds me I can’t possibly be perfect, because nobody is perfect. Indeed,...

What does your DVD collection say about you?

This is not a photo of my own DVD collection. My collection includes a lot more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and chick flicks. And, *sigh*, Rocky movies. Photo credit: ToastyKen. I don’t remember how it came up. What could we have been discussing that would have led...

The thing about buying groceries

Last weekend’s birthday party was small and simple, but it still trashed my house. And it came just a week after we returned home from vacation. So it should have come as no surprise Monday morning when I started to make Annalyn’s lunch and realized we had...

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Mary Carver
Mary Carver
Fast Talk & Faith
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