by Mary Carver | Nov 1, 2018 | Finding Truth in Unexpected Places
When my friend Kristen announced she was starting a maternity home in Kenya, I was so impressed and proud and inspired but a little confused. If I’m honest, I didn’t really understand what she was doing or why she was doing it. I’d read her stories as she traveled...
by Mary Carver | Sep 23, 2016 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
This morning was a rough one. We were up earlier than normal, because today is not just Homecoming but also Grandparents Breakfast Day. [Great planning, school district.] All of this meant that Adrienne woke up early, too, my parents — excited to go to breakfast...
by Mary Carver | Aug 23, 2016 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
When I was a kid, our pastor had a message he shared during the children’s story about once a year. He’d remind us that the building we were in — the pews and the pulpit, the classrooms and the choir loft — wasn’t the church. He’d...
by Mary Carver | Aug 1, 2016 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
So, my plan for my trip to Africa was to write all about it. Right away. Like, while I was there and then more as soon as I got back. But between spotty wifi, exhaustion, and a heart that went into preservation mode the second we landed back in the U.S., that has not...
by Mary Carver | Jul 15, 2016 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
We arrived in Kenya earlier than I usually get out of bed. Now, I’m a night owl who resists the morning like a champ, so that’s not saying much. But it was first thing in the morning when we began our first day in Africa, which means we hit the ground...