by Mary Carver | Jul 5, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect
I wanted to be clever and title this post something like, “If the shoe fits…” or “When the shoe is on the other foot…” or “Waiting for the other shoe to drop…” But the truth is, that would have been more confusing...
by Mary Carver | Jun 26, 2016 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
The first time I attended a blog conference was a strange experience. I’d only been blogging for a few months, and only a handful of friends and a few random “Internet people” ever clicked their way to my site. I didn’t know a thing about SEO,...
by Mary Carver | Dec 8, 2010 | Giving Up on Perfect
Last year I began making a concerted effort to accessorize more. I’ve found a cute necklace or scarf can do wonders for disguising the fact that I own three of the same shirt (in different colors, of course). By the end of winter, I’d managed to accumulate...