On getting “Oh, honey”-ed at Blissdom

You know how sometimes you leave a conversation, replaying it in your head until it becomes something much bigger than it really was? And how the only way to get better perspective is to dictate the entire conversation to a good friend, including facial expressions,...
The most romantic gesture ever.

The most romantic gesture ever.

In my high school Valentine’s Day was quite the floral spectacle. Like adolescent boys everywhere, my classmates knew that buying flowers on that infamous greeting card holiday was mandatory if they hoped for any chance of having a girlfriend on February 15....

Giving Up on Perfect in the Dressing Room

My mom, my daughter and I walked out of the department store, laughing about how eager the salesman at the door was to help us or – more likely – sell us something. “Yeah,” I said, “I don’t go shopping to talk to people!” We...


“Mommy, what does appropriate mean?” My answer to that loudly whispered question was the same one I’d given to her other 473 questions that day: “We’ll talk about it later.” When my husband told me he wanted to speak at his...

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