by Mary Carver | Mar 8, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect
Last fall I went to the Allume Conference and met lots of bloggers and writers. Many of them were friends of friends or they were familiar names/faces I just hadn’t met in person. But lots of them were simply brand-new-to-me bloggers. And even though the...
by Mary Carver | Oct 13, 2015 | Giving Up on Perfect
Earlier today I read an article about Jennifer Lawrence. It was actually – in the beautiful way that the internet has – an article about an article about Jennifer Lawrence. Right. Anyway, the point of the piece was that Lawrence had made some strong...
by Mary Carver | Sep 1, 2011 | Giving Up on Perfect
You may have noticed my posting lately has been sporadic. And focused on a random collection of topics. And full of logos and disclosures and fine print. Are you annoyed, disappointed or otherwise bothered by the abundance of sponsored posts I’ve written lately?...
by Mary Carver | Feb 1, 2011 | Family Life, Giving Up on Perfect
Writing recaps of my favorite TV shows? Piece of cake. Writing recaps of blog conferences? Crazy difficult. Finally giving myself permission to read everyone else’s recap because mine is published? Priceless. Or, at least it will be, once I get through this...
by Mary Carver | Aug 13, 2010 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
Thank you so much to everyone who has participated in this week’s Blog-Warming Party! (And don’t forget – you have until midnight tonight or tomorrow night to enter the giveaways!) This party has been so much fun, and I’m happy to tell you the...