On Seeing What You Want to See

A friend came over to visit and while she was at my house, she used the bathroom. Later, I mentioned that a book I’m reading about cleaning and organizing was making me feel lousy about my own less-than-stellar housekeeping. I was completely shocked when she replied:...
When You Don’t Fit Into a Box

When You Don’t Fit Into a Box

I just finished reading a novel. It was good, I think. I mean, I kept reading it (even when I should have just gone to sleep or gotten to work or anything other than read). So it must have been good. And it was actually not a young adult book this time, although it...
Popeye and Parking and Who I {Really} Am

Popeye and Parking and Who I {Really} Am

As I pulled into the parking space, I noticed him tilting his head toward the window. I knew what he was doing. He was looking at my parking job – and judging it. Silently. So I asked my husband, “What are you looking at?” Smart man that he is, he said, “Nothing.” We...
When You Need to Look a Little Closer

When You Need to Look a Little Closer

We have this rose bush in our backyard. It’s been there since we moved in 12 years ago, and the most we’ve done to cultivate it is trimming dead branches every couple of years. It’s wild and unruly, like my daughter’s hair or a Dixie Chicks...

If I Could Turn Back Time…

When I saw an ad this winter for a new TV show called Hindsight, I was intrigued. The ad was colorful and fun, and the fact that it was on VH1 didn’t even register. Once I read the synopsis, though, the Nostalgia Channel ever made perfect sense as this...

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Mary Carver
When You Don’t Fit Into a Box
Popeye and Parking and Who I {Really} Am
When You Need to Look a Little Closer
Mary Carver
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