by Mary Carver | Oct 11, 2014 | My Life
It’s Saturday. The weekend. So let’s kick back and play fill-in-the-blank. I say, “When life gives you lemons…” and the internet says, well, a lot of stuff. Here are the funniest (and strangest) twists I found. Can’t wait to hear...
by Mary Carver | Jul 24, 2014 | My Life
I was in the middle of writing a long, detailed post telling you all about my weekend (AKA, the reason I haven’t posted in several days). It was going to include lots of great photos and some bullet points, a few humorous asides and a deep thought or two. In...
by Mary Carver | Oct 22, 2013 | My Life
So far this month, we’ve taken a hard look at the expectations and dreams we have for our lives, our homes, our families, our careers, our friends. We’ve held them up to the light of reality – in its beauty and its challenges – and we’ve...
by Mary Carver | Sep 19, 2013 | My Life
First of all, yes, I realize that our world has much more important things to worry about than the presence of Christmas decorations in my Hobby Lobby BEFORE LABOR DAY. I understand that, without a doubt, all of the things I’m getting ready to shout say are...
by Mary Carver | Sep 6, 2013 | My Life
Last night one of my nerdiest dreams came true. I was in an adult spelling bee. It was a fundraiser for Pages & Chapters, a local non-profit organization to promote literacy in urban families. Eleven people competed, and after seven rounds, I got second place. In...