by Mary Carver | Jun 23, 2020 | The Couch Podcast
My brother is back on the podcast to talk about musical TV shows, episodes, and scenes — and we are so proud of ourselves for not breaking into song and dance a single time. It’s a miracle! (Yes, I did sing that in my head.)This episode was inspired by our excitement...
by Mary Carver | Feb 11, 2020 | The Couch Podcast
My brother is back on the podcast to talk about musical TV shows, episodes, and scenes — and we are so proud of ourselves for not breaking into song and dance a single time. It’s a miracle! (Yes, I did sing that in my head.)Because we are both super...
by Mary Carver | May 29, 2019 | Music We Love
This post was adapted from an original post on Today is my 20th wedding anniversary. (I know, I know, I don’t look that old! I’m not. I was a child when I got married. Obviously.) To celebrate, my husband and I drove to Chicago last weekend...
by Mary Carver | Nov 9, 2018 | Finding Truth in Unexpected Places, Music We Love
When my husband got home late on Tuesday night, I knew he hadn’t had a chance to watch the news for the latest election results. As he ate a quick dinner I pulled up a local news website and started reading updates to him. Of course, that led to my frustration...
by Mary Carver | May 30, 2017 | Books, Movies & TV, What I'm Into
Well, it’s official: I am an old person. I don’t say this because my husband turned 40 last year (which means I will hit that milestone next year) or because I graduated from high school 20 years ago. Nope, I’m referring to my inability to restrain...