by Mary Carver | May 15, 2019 | Finding Truth in Unexpected Places, Giving Up on Perfect, Truth in TV Shows
“Do you really think that’s going to work? I mean, maybe we should just give up on this and accept that nothing’s going to change. This is just how it is.” For a hot minute I couldn’t breathe right. She hadn’t physically punched me, but I still felt her response in my...
by Mary Carver | Oct 31, 2015 | Giving Up on Perfect
Well, it’s that time again. The time of year when the leaves turn and the temperatures drop, the time of year when we wax poetic about Octobers and start planning for the holidays. It’s the time of year when we eat NONSTOP like we are actually preparing...
by Mary Carver | Oct 15, 2015 | Giving Up on Perfect
I love traveling. Seeing new places and experiencing new “worlds” is really one of my favorite things. If I owe anyone an apology about this, it’s myself because my Type A, planner personality almost never leaves me enough time to just stare at the...
by Mary Carver | Jul 17, 2015 | Faith Life, Family Life, My Life, parenting
This post was originally published a couple years ago but seemed relevant this week since I have been on vacation and forced to wear a swimsuit. When I left my house last Friday morning, I had packed my husband, my daughter and myself for more than a week. I managed...
by Mary Carver | Oct 24, 2013 | My Life
I don’t have a single dream, fantasy or personal fairy tale that doesn’t begin with, “Once upon a time there was a beautiful, thin girl named Mary.” Every dream I claim as my own begins and ends with me losing weight and looking different than...