The thing about going to bed

The thing about going to bed

Hmmm. I suppose you might think, based on that title, that this post is about something else. {It’s not. Sorry.} Nope, this is about literally going to bed. To sleep. For real. See, some nights {FINE. Lots of nights.} I Skype off and on with a friend or two. The...

Where have all the cleaning fairies gone?

This post is sponsored by Clorox and The Motherhood. I just don’t understand. I wait and I wait. I leave food out. I even ask nicely. And still, the cleaning fairies don’t come to my house. They don’t visit. They don’t call. And they certainly...

Cleaning out my fridge

Thanks to everyone who joined me for last night’s Facebook chat! If you missed it, don’t worry – we’ll meet up in the same place, at the same time next week. I was looking for an onion. I found one, but I also found a squishy tomato and an...

The thing about buying groceries

Last weekend’s birthday party was small and simple, but it still trashed my house. And it came just a week after we returned home from vacation. So it should have come as no surprise Monday morning when I started to make Annalyn’s lunch and realized we had...

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