Fishing for Hope

Fishing for Hope

This post was originally published in 2012. ************************** “Throw your nets on the other side,” He said. “Just give it one more try.” I don’t actually know anything about fishing. The last time I went fishing, I let go of the button thing too soon and...
On Guilty Pleasures and Choosing Happiness

On Guilty Pleasures and Choosing Happiness

One of my Facebook friends posted a link to an article claiming that a large percentage of people live within 50 miles of their birthplace, commenting that this information was “sad, really.” Since I saw that a few days ago, I’ve found myself arguing...
When You’re Tired of Being Sorry

When You’re Tired of Being Sorry

A few weeks ago I invited friends over for dinner. It had been a while since we’d had anyone outside of family over, and it had been even longer since our house had been on the market. In other words I’d really let the house go. I couldn’t tell you...

When You Don’t Know What to Do

On Saturday night I went to bed at a decent time, with plans to get up on time the next morning. That might sound like common sense, but it’s not always – or even often – what I do. Most Sunday mornings start off late and get more stressful every...
On Being (or Not) a Beautiful Cake

On Being (or Not) a Beautiful Cake

A couple weeks ago the girls and I drove to church in a light rain. Mark was a few minutes behind us, driving separately so he could help with tear down after service (our church meets in a school). As we pulled into the parking lot, I hesitated. How was I going to...

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