by Mary Carver | Dec 18, 2013 | Faith Life
Life is not so much about beginnings and endings as it is about going on and on and on. It is about muddling through the middle. ~ Anna Quindlen Today is my birthday. I’m 35 years old. Thirty-five isn’t old, but it isn’t young either. Even though I...
by Mary Carver | Dec 9, 2013 | Books, Movies & TV, Faith Life
Sometimes when I ask God for help, He doesn’t cooperate. I don’t mean that He doesn’t answer. I don’t mean that He isn’t with me always, protecting me and loving me in ways I could never begin to understand. I don’t mean that He...
by Mary Carver | Nov 13, 2013 | Faith Life
That tree? It’s my not-orange tree – the one whose roots crushed our sewer line. But doesn’t it simply glow against that blue sky? My front yard is still torn up from last week’s plumbing fiasco. But the sewer line is fixed, and I can flush my...
by Mary Carver | Nov 4, 2013 | Faith Life
A few weeks ago my entire world seemed to be underwater. I don’t mean that metaphorically. I mean literally. Under. Water. During the afternoon I ran out to the garage (where our laundry lives) to move a load of clothes from the washer to the dryer and stepped...
by Mary Carver | Oct 30, 2013 | Faith Life
Friends, I have lots of thoughts and feelings to share on this topic. But pregnancy insomnia plus a sinus infection has won the battle this week. I do want to hear YOUR stories about your journeys of faith and how they’ve differed from what you expected, planned...