by Mary Carver | May 12, 2017 | Faith Life
One of my Facebook friends posted a link to an article claiming that a large percentage of people live within 50 miles of their birthplace, commenting that this information was “sad, really.” Since I saw that a few days ago, I’ve found myself arguing...
by Mary Carver | Sep 6, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect, parenting
I’ve been keeping a running list of funny, “real life” stories to share with you all. And as I read through it tonight, I couldn’t help it. I just started laughing. Reading it all at once felt like one of those life-with-kids-goes-awry montages...
by Mary Carver | Apr 23, 2015 | Faith Life, Family Life, friendship
She heard me say that I lose my patience and my temper much too often — and that my daughter knows the words to more pop songs than I’d like, and that I know which fast food restaurants have the best toys. She heard me admit those things and her response,...
by Mary Carver | Jan 19, 2015 | My Life
This April I will have been blogging for seven years. Seven years! That’s considerably longer than I’ve held any one job, which is interesting. (To me. It’s interesting to me.) For the bloggers who began this journey around the same time as me, I...
by Mary Carver | Sep 5, 2014 | Books, Movies & TV
A friend and I have had several conversations about being a high capacity person – or not, and learning to love people who have different capacities than we do. The other day I told her that I’m learning that I’m not as high capacity as I once was...