Taking Candy from My Baby

Taking Candy from My Baby

I don’t like video games. I don’t. Growing up, we never had a gaming system (even an Atari, because YES, I am that old). The only time I played Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt was when I babysat a family that had a Nintendo – and only rarely,...

The personality test that burst my bubble

I love taking personality tests. The day Smitty and I found an old book about personality types based on astrological sign in her parents’ attic was one of our most fun sleepovers. I still remember laughing so hard as we read about our supposed destined traits...

Things just got real in here.

I don’t really know what that means, but I like saying it. I crack myself up every time I do. Anyway. I’ve got big news to share. Big. News! Are you ready? Drum roll . . . and now you should probably lower your expectations . . . more drumming . . . I...

The winds of change messed up my hair.

You know how they say to never change your hairstyle in the midst of emotional turmoil? Well, they should also tell you to never get a haircut four days before going to a conference. Or after enduring a few big changes in your life. Unless, you know, big changes...

Top Ten Clues That I’m a Geek

Well, I guess that picture might be Clue #1. Actually, now that I think about it, I could’ve done a whole photo post thing here and linked up to Wordless Wednesday. Somewhere – buried deep, so don’t even bother looking – I have photos of me...

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Taking Candy from My Baby
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