Shazam! The Last 10 Songs I Tagged

It is not pretty around here. I’ve had deadlines pressing from every angle this week, and between that and taking MY BABY to kindergarten round-up, I’ve been a weepy mess for days now. I can’t remember the last time I cooked a meal, and I’m...

On the First Day of Christmas [Music] . . .

My brother posted on Facebook several days ago, saying that he is a Christmas music purist and rejects the idea that decidely non-Christmas songs such as My Favorite Things and the Charlie Brown song are holiday favorites. Fair enough. Until this year, I’ve also...

The sound of my soul

I will miss commercials when I get a DVR. I can still watch them, right? I just have the option to skip them? Tell me I don’t have to give up [good] commercials. Yes, I’m aware that’s really weird. So is using a VCR in 2012. Shut up. I saw this one a...

12 Days of Christmas [video]

I posted Straight No Chaser’s version of the 12 Days of Christmas last year, but it’s too fun not to share again! Mark and I saw this a capella group in concert last April, and it truly was a highlight of our year. I hope they come back to Kansas City this...

We Can Dance if We Want To

We had another day full of fits yesterday. It makes me weary, both emotionally and physically. As soon as I got my rebellious child (who had, for the record, hugged me and apologized, saying, “It’s okay, Mommy. Tomorrow be better.”) into bed, I collapsed on the couch...

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