by Mary Carver | Nov 22, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
Have you seen the new Black Panther movie yet? Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is making a somewhat quieter splash than the first movie featuring T’Challa did, but it’s doing well in the box office and also prompting quite a few debates amongst fans. One of the biggest...
by Mary Carver | Nov 15, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
Could our favorite TV shows GET any funnier? Oh yeah, they can. Because as we have seen time and time again, adding the pressure and potential catastrophe of a holiday to our favorite characters in our favorite shows inevitably leads to hilarity. And sometimes a...
by Mary Carver | Nov 8, 2022 | Books, Movies & TV
As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, I’m reflecting on the things of pop culture I’m thankful for this year. Sure, movies and TV shows, music and books are for fun (and that is okay!!), but often they also have a deeper meaning for us. So let’s...
by Mary Carver | Nov 8, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
It’s almost Thanksgiving, so it’s time to reflect on this year and the things that have enriched our lives, taught us something new, or just helped us get through the hard spots. We are talking the parts of pop culture we are thankful for this year! My friend Barb...
by Mary Carver | Nov 1, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
If you love holiday movies and reading romance novels, then I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you also love reading holiday romance novels! If so, this episode is for you. (And if you happen to love watching holiday movies but aren’t as big a fan of reading...