On Guilty Pleasures and Choosing Happiness

On Guilty Pleasures and Choosing Happiness

One of my Facebook friends posted a link to an article claiming that a large percentage of people live within 50 miles of their birthplace, commenting that this information was “sad, really.” Since I saw that a few days ago, I’ve found myself arguing...
GIFs and Giving Up

GIFs and Giving Up

A few weeks ago, I was struck by lightning. Metaphorically, of course. I don’t remember if I was driving or showering or trying to go to sleep, but out of nowhere, BAM! I was hit by a brilliant idea. Brilliant, I tell you! Part of this supposed brilliant idea...
The Value of Failure

The Value of Failure

I’m in the market for some flashcards. For the first time since starting school, Annalyn is struggling a bit with math. I’m grateful her teacher is constantly communicating with us and let us know she needs to work on some math facts. With a little extra...
Pop Culture Meets Faith: a 31 Days series

Pop Culture Meets Faith: a 31 Days series

A couple weeks ago I took a road trip with Knox and Jamie from The Popcast. Okay, FINE, that might not be exactly what happened. But it felt like it did. After spending nearly 10 hours in the car over less than 48 hours, listening to episode after episode of The...
31 Days of Writing Works for Me

31 Days of Writing Works for Me

I’m pretty sure my brain looks a little bit like that picture up there. And when I started thinking about writing a 31 Days series (31 days of writing on the same topic), that image is what immediately came to mind. Nester — home decor blogger, friend, and...

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Mary Carver
On Guilty Pleasures and Choosing Happiness
GIFs and Giving Up
The Value of Failure
Pop Culture Meets Faith: a 31 Days series
31 Days of Writing Works for Me
Mary Carver
Fast Talk & Faith
Choose Joy
Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion