by Mary Carver | Aug 23, 2010 | Giving Up on Perfect
I got to spend a great evening with my sweet friend Brittany last night and then chatted for a bit with some other great friends. I also wrote a brilliant blog post yesterday – in my head. All that adds up to this: a celebrity lookalike post. Here’s who...
by Mary Carver | Aug 22, 2008 | Books, Movies & TV
This one’s for Hobsis, Melilot, Dappy and Scout. You have to look at them in order (sorry I’m too lazy to get pictures this time). Because I don’t really think all four look exactly like. Nope. I think Justin looks like Christopher who looks like...
by Mary Carver | Aug 22, 2008 | Books, Movies & TV
I did it again. I watched an actress in a TV movie and thought she was someone else. This time, I thought Jessy Schramm was Brittany Snow (from American Dreams and Hairspray). Jessy was in a Hallmark movie called “Jane Doe.” (It’s a whole series of...
by Mary Carver | Jun 20, 2008 | Books, Movies & TV
Since I wrote about a “soundalike,” I just can’t resist talking a bit about lookalike celebrities. I love playing this game, you see, and my best friend (who indulges me and puts up with me saying, “See, see – they really do look...