Celebrating the Small Victories

Celebrating the Small Victories

When I started my low-carb adventure last month, I had high hopes of dropping huge amounts of weight in a short amount of time. I should know better, but I really envisioned a much slimmer me shopping for a brand-new swimsuit – and even wearing it in public...
The scale is a fickle wench.

The scale is a fickle wench.

I’m not going to beat around the bush here. I really want to say that the scale is a fickle bitch. But I don’t usually swear here, so I hesitated to express my true feelings. When I weighed in this morning and gained a pound and a half instead of losing...

Choose Your Hard.

You know what’s a pain? Pulling grapes off the stems. I mean, a bunch of grapes just has so many stems! And sometimes, I try to be a hero and pull off three at once . . . and you know what happens? I get grapes with tiny stems in my mouth. The good news is...

Where’s my trophy?

I got in the car, mad and looking for a fight. Since it was just me and my temper on that ride, I smashed the buttons on my radio like that would solve all the injustices of my world. I needed angry music. Hoping for Pink, but settling for the Beastie Boys, I slouched...
Why I Keep Going Back to Weight Watchers

Why I Keep Going Back to Weight Watchers

A friend of mine has started going to Weight Watchers with me. Today was our second weigh-in together, and we each lost three pounds. Happy tears may have been shed. Internal happy dance may have been performed. I’m so thankful she’s decided to do this...

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