31 Days of Writing Works for Me

31 Days of Writing Works for Me

I’m pretty sure my brain looks a little bit like that picture up there. And when I started thinking about writing a 31 Days series (31 days of writing on the same topic), that image is what immediately came to mind. Nester — home decor blogger, friend, and...
I’m Not Sorry to Call Myself a Writer

I’m Not Sorry to Call Myself a Writer

During Annalyn’s birthday party over the weekend, a couple of the moms stayed for the fun. As we watched the girls run around the backyard, spraying silly string at each other and giggling, the conversation made its way to jobs and taxes and commutes. (I know....

The Glamorous Life of a Writer

I spent this weekend in a hotel room working on my book. In the past when I heard about someone hiding away to write, I imagined a cozy cabin with mountain views. I’ll admit, sometimes I also assumed said writer was hunched over a typewriter slowly turning into...

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Mary Carver
Yesterday and the Friends Who Have Been There All Along
Where they lead, I will follow…with an ebook.
31 Days of Writing Works for Me
I’m Not Sorry to Call Myself a Writer
Mary Carver
Fast Talk & Faith
Choose Joy
Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion