by Mary Carver | May 10, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
Well, it’s 100% summer at my house today but technically it’s still spring. So talking about spring cleaning? Totally relevant. And talking specifically about decluttering our digital lives? Super helpful. I’m not even exaggerating. After recording this episode with...
by Mary Carver | May 3, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
The thing about teen TV shows is that they answer some of life’s most important questions like, “what happens when a boy meets the world,” “did I do that?” and, of course, “Dawson or Pacey?” And that, obviously, is why we’re talking about these deeply important works...
by Mary Carver | Apr 26, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
While most of us can admire and look up to superheroes like Wonder Woman or oh, I don’t know, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we can’t necessarily relate to them. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I was not raised on an island of Amazons, trained to be a warrior, and...
by Mary Carver | Apr 19, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
Have you read the book yet? Is the book better? Can you watch the movie even though it’s so different from the book? Watching TV and movie adaptations of books can bring up a lot of questions, and we’re answering all of them today. In today’s episode I’m chatting with...
by Mary Carver | Apr 12, 2022 | The Couch Podcast
Why do we love jungle movies so much? And why is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in all of them? Okay, so he’s not in all of them and, as you’ll discover in this episode, our love for jungle movies may or may not be connected to our longing for adventure and significance as...